Friday, August 23, 2019


Already interviewed send c-level and Sr Dir/Dir,VP,prez letters of offer USA.
You owe me 80000...0000$/s

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om parabrahma paramatmane namah
utpatti sthithi pralay karay haahi rao trigmatmaney sarv koutak nidrashay darpe duttatrayay mum mantra tantra shidhi karu swaha...

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Zuska Light.


Already interviewed send c-level and Sr Dir/Dir,VP,prez letters of offer USA.
You owe me 80000...0000$/s

Donate at

om parabrahma paramatmane namah
utpatti sthithi pralay karay haahi rao trigmatmaney sarv koutak nidrashay darpe duttatrayay mum mantra tantra shidhi karu swaha...

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Fwd: Ni happy holidays

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: vijay gabbita <>
Date: Monday, July 1, 2019
Subject: Ni happy holidays
To: Nokia HR - Do Not Reply Pwd <>, "" <>, Shikha Narula <>, "" <>, "" <>, Disha Chopra <>



Private ans confidentialité, explicit photo coule mot encrypt.
Happy holidays.
I am going swimming at the Marriott.
Hope yù do it l'îke this all the time
The more i sée other ladies the more
I am Turner on by you both.

Goto the 
-Santa Anita track.
-Golden Gâté track
-big apple iMac mini HDMI ports.

I went to the d'El mar track
Intel team building, 
Once on my own during or before panasonic.

I think the employées un the group,
Should ne given an extra 10$/HR gambling allowance
With 100, 000$ raffle.
According to Harvard professorat of psychology. Humor


" The fork asked a spoon who was the ladle I saw you with.?
   The spoon said it was no ladle it was my knife."

The batman s Dr in London says to him to test the antidote to the jokers 
drugged coffee, which causes hysterical laughter madness on a morbid 
event or a bad joke or pun,.p
"A truly horrible joke and not a crack of a smile from you. the antidote must be


The batman thinks to himself,  while chasing the joker on high rise roof tops.
(Rackspace, rooftops I thought ideated something well the moment has passed.)

"In all his craziness, the joker shows sanity in looking for a firm footing,
 Can't say the same for myself, for going after him like this"

And later in the next frame while the joker quips to get the Batman to fall
in mad hysterical laughter before he takes his lights out, 
" Save it joker, as queen Victoria once said. (or did not) , " we are not amused" "

I ll remember to say it when we or I watch " The Joker" wonder if its already
released in the USA,

" Save it joker, we are not amused"



Nine step router problem packet handling solving algorithm
by Earle and Rutledge
D.E.Sha, V.I. Jay, & , S.N. Law

Has the following flow

Counterproductive steps ,
     Deny the packet is a problem packet
      Ignore the problem
      Blame the source for the problem packet
       Blame the self or router for handling problem packet
       ( vj is b lame injured anyway)

Prior steps: -------------------------------------------------------------
                       - Ack there is or the problem packet
                                                       |                                     |--------------------------------------------------------------|
                       - Decide to attempt a solution
                      ---------------------------------------------------------------                                                                       |
Define the problem packet.       |
                                                        |                                                                                                          |
                          |                                                              |                                                                         |
  Conflict address problem packet.          Non-Conflict address problem packet.                      |                                                  ||
                           |                                                              |
----------------------------------------------------------       ------------------------------------------------------------                       |
If the address of the problem packet.  |    Define the problem packet destination address
Diagnose                                                         and handling. (Drop, Resend, Offer, Propose).       |
- whose problem packet is it?                     ---_--------------------------------------------------------
- who is doing what to whom?                                                                                                         |
-what are the distortions &                                                                       ---------------------------------------|
  perception of the problem.                                                                     |
  packet?                                                                                                       |
-what are the distortions of 
   communication can't R/W.                                                                     |
   problem packet
-what is at stake? What are the.                                                                |
  decision making possibilities.                                                                 |
After the conflict has been diagnosed.                                                    |
------------------------------------------------------------                                                      |
Decide on a method of ack/handling
problem packet.                                                                                             |

- Form a committee /CE.                                                                               |
-Call a consultant / handoff
-Call a conference with key.                                                                          |
  persons /broadcast, multicast,
address problem packet.                                                                               |
-form an ad hoc group/VLAN address
-Solve it without outside advise/chksum.                                                   |
-Delegate to another person.                                                                         |
or group/handoff,forward to clouds
--------_--------------------------------------------------                                                           |
---------------------------------------------------------                                                               |
If a group is to be used in the problem
packet handling, resolving the problem.                                                        |
packet should be redefined in 
Collaboration with the group.with the.                                                            |
------------------------------------------------------------                                                             |
-------------------------------------------------------------                                                             |
Generate alternatives to problem packet
replacing it with what the packet should.                                                         |
_-----------------------------------------------------------                                                               |
---------------------------------------------------------                                                                    |
Test Alternatives for Reality /
With no problem packet handling
----------------------------------------------------------                                                                    |
-------------------------------------------------------------                                                                  |
Choose an alternative problem packet
--------------------------------------------------------------                                                                   |
---------------------------------------------------------------                                                                   |
Plan for action of packet handling
--------------_-------------------------------------------------  |                                                               |
                           |                                              |                                                                |                         
----------------------------------------------------------------   |                                                                |      
Implement the plan of packet handling.    |                                                                 |
----------------------------------------------------------------   |                                                                 |
                              |                                           |                                                                  |
------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                    |
Next Steps.                                                                                                                         |
--                                                                                                                                           |
If the problem packet still exists.                     --------------------------------------------------------|
 or if new problem packets
 have surfaced





I think i live l'ike you


Billy bombastic.
I am a bore.


Already interviewed send c-level and Sr Dir/Dir,VP,prez letters of offer USA.
You owe me 80000...0000$/s

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om parabrahma paramatmane namah
utpatti sthithi pralay karay haahi rao trigmatmaney sarv koutak nidrashay darpe duttatrayay mum mantra tantra shidhi karu swaha...


Already interviewed send c-level and Sr Dir/Dir,VP,prez letters of offer USA.
You owe me 80000...0000$/s

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om parabrahma paramatmane namah
utpatti sthithi pralay karay haahi rao trigmatmaney sarv koutak nidrashay darpe duttatrayay mum mantra tantra shidhi karu swaha...


Already interviewed send c-level and Sr Dir/Dir,VP,prez letters of offer USA.
You owe me 80000...0000$/s

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om parabrahma paramatmane namah
utpatti sthithi pralay karay haahi rao trigmatmaney sarv koutak nidrashay darpe duttatrayay mum mantra tantra shidhi karu swaha...

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Fwd: This Wall Street secret has been flying under the radar for decades

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From: Investing Daily <>
Date: Saturday, August 3, 2019
Subject: This Wall Street secret has been flying under the radar for decades

Investing Daily has been delivering expert stock market analysis and stock picks for over 40 years.
Investing Daily


Wall Street's secret cash cow – Exposed
Wall Street's secret cash cow – Exposed
We've just uncovered a secret "Cash Cow" that has been flying under the radar for decades... It recently gave us the opportunity to make $2,434 in just 16 days... with only 100 shares of stock… (and that's one of our smaller "wins"). Discover how much this secret cash cow can bring in for you

The Long Reach of the Energy Patch
The Long Reach of the Energy Patch
We sat down with our in-house energy expert to discuss the latest trends in the oil and gas sector and why they matter to you. Read more...

How to Profit from the Summer Swoon
How to Profit from the Summer Swoon
If you believe in market timing, now may be a good time to take action because the odds favor a major stock market decline in August or September. Read more...

A stock that yields 67% a year? Really?
If you're happy with stocks yielding you 4% or 5% a year, you don't need this. But if you want to see how we built a portfolio that now pays us a 67% cash on cash return - with no leverage, options or gimmicks - then go here ASAP.

Make Money With The Condor Spread, Part 2
Make Money With The Condor Spread, Part 2
Last week we discussed the long condor spread. This week, let's take a look at how a short condor spread works. Read more...

The Time Is Right For Roth IRA Conversions
The Time Is Right For Roth IRA Conversions
With taxes at their lowest levels in years, you should seriously considering converting your conventional IRA to a Roth IRA. Read more...

Market volatility exposes $37,000.00 opportunity
Market volatility exposes $37,000.00 opportunity
The Wall Street Volatility we've been experiencing has just exposed a legal market hack that generates $37,000 in additional income with zero added risk. Discover exactly what you need to do to cash in now.

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You owe me 80000...0000$/s

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om parabrahma paramatmane namah
utpatti sthithi pralay karay haahi rao trigmatmaney sarv koutak nidrashay darpe duttatrayay mum mantra tantra shidhi karu swaha...